This municipality was facing challenges with its aging extended aeration pond system and significant inflow and infiltration (I&I) issues and engaged Cloacina to upgrade its treatment capabilities. Excessive wet weather flows were leading to discharge levels that surpassed permit regulations, making a system upgrade essential to ensure compliance during all flow conditions and to prepare for potential future regulations.
Cloacina developed a comprehensive solution tailored to the municipalities needs, incorporating innovative technology and the capacity to handle challenging flow and loading parameters. Despite a constrained budget, the upgraded treatment plant was designed to meet current regulatory demands while remaining adaptable to stricter future requirements. While water reuse is not yet part of the facility's operations, the upgraded system includes the capability to support such initiatives as part of the city’s long-term master plan.
The completion of these enhancements marks a major milestone for supporting the city’s water management goals while ensuring regulatory compliance, operational flexibility, and community resilience.
Cloacina Supplied the
following for this project: